Everyone reaches a time in their lives where they need someone to rely on and take care of them. If you have decided to move your elderly parent into your home, you have to make a few adjustments to make your home a safer and more comfortable place for your mom or dad.
Remember when you baby proofed your home to make it safer for your little ones? You also have to do the same for your parents so as to prevent nasty accidents.
Here are some of the most important things you need to do in preparation for the arrival of your elderly parent.
Getting around
A one-story home is ideal for older adults. If you live on 1 level, you’re in luck. But if your home has more than 1 story, it would be safer and easier if your mom or dad’s bedroom and bathroom are on the first floor.
If you don’t have a spare bedroom on the first floor, you can convert an office or a den into a bedroom. Also, make sure that there are no raised thresholds between one room and the next.
Bathroom safety
The bathroom is considered as one of the most dangerous rooms in the house. This is also where most accidents happen.
Getting in and out of the tub can put your elderly parents at serious risk. To prevent any accidents, grab bars should be installed.
Most doctors also recommend an elevated toilet seat with armrests to help them get on and off the toilet. Also, don’t forget to place non-slip mats under the rugs.
Keep things in order
There are many changes to consider before welcoming your aging parents into your home. You’re going to need a clear cut idea of how to arrange your and their belongings.
The last thing you want is to find your loved one rummaging through the closet because they can’t find what they’re looking for. Things that will be used on a day-to-day basis should be readily available. Meanwhile, delicate items should be kept in sealed, plastic containers.
Make it just like home
Moving out of the home you have loved is definitely not easy. To help them feel more at ease, you can bring some of your parent’s furniture into your home.
If they have a pet, welcome it into your home. This may become a bit of a challenge since you also have to make a few changes to accommodate the animal. Remember, this can be a tough time for your parents and the pet can help lessen the loneliness they are feeling.